Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using this site. By using this site, you signify your agreement with these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any of the Terms of Use below, do not use this site. Ingleside Family Dental reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, alter or otherwise update these Terms of Use at any time and you agree to be bound by such modifications, alterations or updates.


The Ingleside Family Dental website and services (The Service) contain proprietary and confidential information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. The Service also contains information, data, text, software, images, files and other content and materials that are owned by Ingleside Family Dental or its affiliates or suppliers and that are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. The selection, arrangement, and compilation of the entire contents of the Service is the exclusive property of Ingleside Family Dental and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. All software made available through or used in connection with the Service is the property of Ingleside Family Dental or its suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws.

Unless otherwise specified, the Service is for your personal and non-commercial use and is not transferable to any other person or entity. Except as expressly authorized by Ingleside Family Dental, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, modify, create derivative works from, frame, distribute, transmit, perform, publish, license, rent, lease, loan, sell, resell, transfer or otherwise exploit for any commercial purpose any portion of the Service, use of the Service or access to the Service, including without limitation any information, software, products or services obtained from the Service. You may view, print and download materials displayed on or made available through the Service subject to the following: (a) the materials may be used solely for your own, personal information and not for commercial use; (b) the materials may not be modified or altered in any way, including but not limited to the removal or modification of any copyright or other proprietary notices affixed thereto. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by printing or downloading copyrighted material, and that the materials may be subject to separate license agreements and/or additional posted limitations on usage, reproduction and/or dissemination, all of which you shall be responsible for complying with if you download such materials. Use of spiders, robots and similar data gathering, and extraction tools is expressly prohibited. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.


Ingleside Family Dental, InglesideFamilyDental.com, the monitor symbol within our logo, “Ingleside Family Dental.” and other Ingleside Family Dental designs, logos and product and service names are trademarks of Ingleside Family Dental (“Ingleside Family Dental Marks”). The “look and feel” of the Service constitutes proprietary trade dress of Ingleside Family Dental All rights reserved. You may not reproduce, copy, display, transmit, distribute, modify, or otherwise use the Ingleside Family Dental Marks without the express prior written permission of Ingleside Family Dental All other trademarks appearing on the Service are the property of their respective owners.


Ingleside Family Dental is very respectful about the privacy concerns of the visitors to this site on the Internet. As a general policy, no personal information is automatically collected from visitors to this site. However, certain non-personal information of visitors is recorded by the standard operation of Ingleside Family Dental Internet servers. This information is primarily used to provide an enhanced online experience for the visitor. Information tracked includes the type of browser being used by the visitor (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer), the type of operating system (e.g., MacOs, Windows) in use by the visitor and the domain name of the visitor’s Internet service provider (e.g., Comcast, Ear). By having this information, Web pages optimized for a particular visitor’s computer is automatically available to that visitor. Other uses of this information include internal review of the number of visitors to the site but only in an aggregate and non-personally identifiable form. Other personally identifiable data about visitors to this site are known to Ingleside Family Dental only when voluntarily submitted. Personally identifiable information that is collected in connection with visitors voluntarily filling out forms is retained by Ingleside Family Dental and the member to whom the visitor is referred and is not sold or otherwise transferred outside the company. However, this data in an aggregate form may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses. We may sometimes also use email addresses and other personally identifiable information to contact visitors who communicate with us. For example, we direct email to visitors who provide us with their email addresses for specific purposes such as being notified if they have won one of our contests.


The materials by the Ingleside Family Dental and www.InglesideFamilyDental.com are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Ingleside Family Dental disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Ingleside Family Dental does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available is free of viruses or other harmful components. Ingleside Family Dental does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials in this site in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. You (and not Ingleside Family Dental) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. The material that you read in the Ingleside Family Dental web site is provided solely for educational purposes. Ingleside Family Dental is not responsible or liable to any person or entity whatsoever (including, without limitation, persons who may use or rely on such data/materials or to whom such data/materials may be furnished) for any loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise), injury, claim, liability or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from any information or opinions provided.


Any questions, notes, postings, ideas, suggestions, concepts, or other material submitted will become the property of Ingleside Family Dental and Ingleside Family Dental shall be entitled to use the material for any type of use forever including in any media whether now known or hereafter devised. When you submit material to Ingleside Family Dental, you agree that Ingleside Family Dental has the right to publish the material for any type of use as outlined above including promotional and advertising purposes.

Ingleside Family Dental is not responsible for any material posted by visitors to this site. You shall not submit any information which:

  1. Libels, defames, invades privacy, or is obscene, pornographic, abusive, or threatening;
  2. Infringes any intellectual property or other right of any entity or person, including, but not limited to violating anyone’s copyrights or trademarks;
  3. Violates any law;
  4. Advocates illegal activity;
  5. Advertises or otherwise solicits funds or is a solicitation for goods or services; (collectively “Non-Approved Material”).

You agree to indemnify Ingleside Family Dental and its officers, directors, employees, agents, distributors and affiliates from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, resulting from your breach of any of the foregoing agreements, representations, and warranties.

Note to copyright owners: Ingleside Family Dental prohibits users from using any material that infringes on the intellectual property rights (e.g., copyright, trademark, trade dress, etc.) of others. If you know your intellectual property rights have been violated by one of our users, please contact us immediately.


Do not post any threatening or libelous emails or material on this site that would be considered a violation of any law. Ingleside Family Dental will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing Ingleside Family Dental to disclose the identity of anyone posting any such emails or materials. When Ingleside Family Dental is accessed through AOL, all AOL guidelines regarding appropriate online behavior will be enforced.


No representation is made that the quality of the services performed by Ingleside Family Dental members is greater than the quality of same services performed by other businesses.


Unless otherwise specified, the materials in a Ingleside Family Dental website and InglesideFamilyDental.com are presented solely for the purpose of education in the United States. This site is controlled and operated by Ingleside Family Dental from its offices within the State of Michigan, United States of America. Ingleside Family Dental makes no representation that materials in this site are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

This agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, as it is applied to agreements entered and to be performed entirely within such State. Any action you, any third party or Ingleside Family Dental bring to enforce this agreement or, in connection with, any matters related to this site shall be brought only in either the state or Federal Courts located in Macomb County, Michigan, and you expressly consent to the jurisdiction of said courts. If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire agreement between the parties relating to the matters contained herein and shall not be modified except in writing, signed by Ingleside Family Dental


In addition to the Ingleside Family Dental Terms of Use Agreement, any Customer who purchases the Ingleside Family Dental service shall be bound by, and agrees to, the following Ingleside Family Dental End User License Agreement.

Customer desires to publish, advertise and store certain business information on the World Wide Web utilizing the services of Ingleside Family Dental (or its successor) (hereinafter “Ingleside Family Dental”). Ingleside Family Dental is willing to furnish those services in the form of an annual subscription, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

Obligations of Customer:

Customer Information (Defined below) shall be revised by Customer at their sole discretion and updated electronically via Ingleside Family Dental’ website. Customer will be solely responsible for all content and agrees to hold Ingleside Family Dental harmless from any liability arising from Customer Information. Manual revisions and custom modifications may be submitted to Ingleside Family Dental but may be subject to additional charges. Customer agrees to abide by rules and standards of publication as noted under “Standards”. Ingleside Family Dental reserves the right to refuse or discontinue the services for any Customer Information, which does not comply with Ingleside Family Dental’ Standards. Customer shall regularly monitor and maintain its Customer Information on its website and Ingleside Family Dental shall have no liability to Customer or any third party in connection with any such alteration or destruction.

Obligations of Ingleside Family Dental:

Ingleside Family Dental shall provide a website for the Customer to facilitate the deliverance of the website content as agreed upon. The Customer’s website (including all graphical content and related HTML coding provided by Ingleside Family Dental) is the property of Ingleside Family Dental and the Customer has no rights to the website beyond the terms of its subscription. Ingleside Family Dental will provide for Customer the use of various website designs. Various content will be provided for Customer to choose from, including, but not limited to default content, articles, sample verbiage for descriptions of various sections of the site (e.g., procedure descriptions, FAQs, etc.). Customer will be allowed to modify, add or delete most content. Ingleside Family Dental will provide software, services, and support for all sites. Ingleside Family Dental will provide passworded protection for the Customer for access to make additions/deletions to the Customer’s site content. Customer agrees all design features and source code (html) associated with the website, apart from the client’s name and Customer information, are the property of Ingleside Family Dental. Upon execution of this Agreement, Ingleside Family Dental shall load, in HTML format, Customer’s Information (noted below) onto the Customer’s website in accordance with Ingleside Family Dental procedures. Customer shall be solely responsible for all content (Customer Information). Although Ingleside Family Dental shall use reasonable efforts to protect the Customer’s website from unauthorized access by third parties, Customer acknowledges that, because of the nature of the World Wide Web, Customer Information residing on its website cannot be protected from alteration or destruction by third parties. Customer shall regularly monitor and maintain its Customer Information on its website and Ingleside Family Dental shall have no liability to Customer or any third party in connection with any such alteration or destruction.


Ingleside Family Dental may provide Customer with various articles to choose from for inclusion on its site. It will allow the Customer to add/delete/modify the articles as it chooses. The Customer will be allowed to write his or her own articles for inclusion on the site. Customer has the responsibility of verifying all content included in this area. Ingleside Family Dental will not be responsible for any content included in the articles written, including any changes made by Customer. Use of the newsletter articles by any other delivery method than the Customer’s Ingleside Family Dental website is prohibited without the express written consent of Ingleside Family Dental.


Ingleside Family Dental reserves the right to create the standards required for use of its subscription service. Any content deemed inappropriate for professional websites may be removed from the Customer’s site. Notification will be given to Customer should such actions be required.

Customer Information:

Customer Information includes, but is not limited to, any information provided to Ingleside Family Dental either through modifications of provided content, additions of own content, or acceptance of provided content. Therefore, Customer is responsible for all content on the site, whether added, modified, or chosen from provided content.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability:

Ingleside Family Dental warrants that the services will conform to their description and will be free from defects in material and workmanship at the moment the particular services are completed by Ingleside Family Dental. Except for the above express limited warranty, Ingleside Family Dental makes, and Customer receives, no warranty or guaranty with respect to the services and/or the Customer information, express, implied, statutory, or in any other provision of this agreement or communication with Customer, and Ingleside Family Dental specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Ingleside Family Dental expressly disclaims any liability for Customer information stored on the Customer’s web site, including, without limitation, any damage or destruction of Customer information and/or the services, any unauthorized use by any third party of any Customer information and any violation of any property rights of Customer or any third party in the Customer information. It shall be Customer’s sole duty and liability to monitor the Customer information to maintain its accuracy and completeness on its website and to make all corrections, modifications, repairs, and replacements which may be required in order to maintain the Customer information on its website. Any claim by Customer on account of breach of warranty shall be waived conclusively unless Customer gives Ingleside Family Dental written notice thereof within thirty (30) days of performance of the alleged defective Services by Ingleside Family Dental. Ingleside Family Dental shall not be responsible or liable to Customer or to any third party for any lost profits, or incidental, consequential, indirect, special or contingent damages for any breach of warranty or other breach of Ingleside Family Dental’ obligations hereunder, Ingleside Family Dental’ liability and Customer’s exclusive remedy being limited to Ingleside Family Dental’ choice of: (i) reperformance of the Services in order to correct any such defect; (ii) the repayment of the Fees for the defective Services, or (iii) the granting of a reasonable allowance on account of such defects. Ingleside Family Dental shall be given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims and to inspect allegedly defective Services. Customer agrees to and hereby does indemnify, defend and hold Ingleside Family Dental, its directors, officers, employees, agents and computer and other consultants and advisors free and harmless from and against any and all loss, claim, damage, expense, penalty, demand, reparation, cost of defense, attorney’s fees or liability whatsoever (whether paid or credited under settlement, order, judgment or otherwise) arising out of or in any way caused by or connected with the Services furnished pursuant to this Agreement and/or the Customer Information, excluding only any claim within the scope of the limited warranty and remedy here in above set forth in this Section.

Should the above be limited or excluded by law of the Customer’s domicile, the invalidity of such terms and conditions shall in no way invalidate any other conditions in this agreement. Customer agrees to hold Ingleside Family Dental harmless from any claims of infringement or defamation with regards to the names any other unique materials specified by Customer for the Website. Customer agrees not to modify the software or examine, copy, or reverse engineer the source code of the software in any way, or to allow any other person to do so.

Term and Termination:

The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year from the Effective Date. This Agreement can be extended by Customer by paying, in advance, the renewal fees in existence at the time of renewal, unless previously agreed upon through promotional offers. No termination or expiration of this Agreement shall abridge or deprive either party of any remedy it may have against the other party arising out of this Agreement or as a matter of law or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement may be terminated by either party, upon written notice, if the other party breaches any material term of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within fifteen (15) days of receipt of written notice thereof. With respect to “pre-designed” website styles for which no customization has been provided by Ingleside Family Dental, Customer is allowed a refund if notification is given to Ingleside Family Dental within 30 days of the Effective Start Date, net of any costs incurred by Ingleside Family Dental in the performance of services for Customer (e.g., domain name registrations and transfer fees, etc.). The Effective Start Date is the date Customer signs up for the subscription service and enters the site for creation of its website. There is no refund available for “custom designed” websites due to the nature of the labor-intensive design services being rendered by Ingleside Family Dental.


This Agreement and the rights and obligations set forth herein may not be assigned, in whole or in part, by Customer without Ingleside Family Dental’ prior written consent. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, including, without limitation, those relating to conflict of laws. Any lawsuit or action brought by any of the parties hereto shall be filed and adjudicated in Macomb County, Michigan. This Agreement may be amended only in a writing that has been executed by duly authorized officers of the parties and shall not be amended or deemed amended by subsequent conduct of either party or any course of dealings between the parties. The parties agree that (i) there shall be no oral agreements between the parties, whether or not related to this Agreement or the subject matter hereof, and whether or not allegedly entered into prior, during or subsequent to the term hereof; and (ii) in order for any agreement to be effective between the parties, whether prior, during or subsequent to the term hereof, it shall be set forth in writing and executed by duly authorized representatives of the parties. If litigation occurs between the parties relating to this Agreement, and Ingleside Family Dental is the prevailing party, it shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees and costs of suit. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of or acquiescence in or to such provision. All notices given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or sent via receipted private courier or by United States Postal Service certified or registered mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, to the address or addresses set forth in this Agreement, or to such other address as a party may notify the other party in writing. Any such notice shall be deemed to be properly given (i) if delivered personally, upon written acknowledgment of receipt after delivery to the address specified; or (ii) if sent by courier or posted, the earlier of the actual date of delivery or three (3) days from the date posted.

Price and Payment:

The fees and charges agreed upon by the creation of the Customer’s web site via Ingleside Family Dental’ website shall apply to the first year of the term of this Agreement. Thereafter, the fees and charges may be increased or decreased by Ingleside Family Dental prior to a renewal period, unless one is already agreed upon between Customer and Ingleside Family Dental. Bills are due and payable by Customer upon presentation. Delinquent accounts are subject to deactivation at any time. Customer agrees payment is nonrefundable, except as provided in special promotions or as noted above. All annual subscription charges must be paid in advance (including renewals and upgrades, as provided).


Ingleside Family Dental prohibits the use of the Service in any manner associated with the transmission, distribution or delivery of any unsolicited bulk or unsolicited commercial email (“Spam”).

You may not use the Service to send Spam. You also may not deliver Spam or cause Spam to be delivered to any of Ingleside Family Dental’ Services or customers.

In addition, email sent, or caused to be sent, to or through the Service may not:

  1. Use or contain invalid or forged headers;
  2. Use or contain invalid or non-existent domain names;
  3. Employ any technique to otherwise misrepresent, hide or obscure any information in identifying the point of origin or the transmission path;
  4. Use other means of deceptive addressing;
  5. Use a third party’s internet domain name, or be relayed from or through a third party’s equipment, without permission of the third party;
  6. Contain false or misleading information in the subject line or otherwise contain false or misleading content;
  7. Fail to comply with additional technical standards described below; or
  8. Otherwise violate the applicable Terms of Use for the Service.

Ingleside Family Dental does not authorize the harvesting, mining or collection of email addresses or other information from or through the Service. Ingleside Family Dental does not permit or authorize others to use the Service to collect, compile or obtain any information about Ingleside Family Dental’ customers or subscribers, including but not limited to subscriber email addresses, which are Ingleside Family Dental’ confidential and proprietary information. Use of the Service is also subject to the applicable Privacy Statement and Terms of Use.

Ingleside Family Dental does not permit or authorize any attempt to use the Service in a manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any aspect of any of the Service, or that could interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of any Service.

If Ingleside Family Dental believes that unauthorized or improper use is being made of any Service, it may, without notice, take such action as it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate, including blocking messages from a particular internet domain, mail server or IP address. Ingleside Family Dental may immediately terminate any account on any Service which it determines, in its sole discretion, is transmitting or is otherwise connected with any email that violates this policy.

Nothing in this policy is intended to grant any right to transmit or send email to, or through, the Service. Failure to enforce this policy in every instance does not amount to a waiver of Ingleside Family Dental’ rights.

Unauthorized use of the Service in connection with the transmission of unsolicited email, including the transmission of email in violation of this policy, may result in civil, criminal, or administrative penalties against the sender and those assisting the sender. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act) establishes requirements for those who send commercial email, spells out penalties for spammers and companies whose products are advertised in spam if they violate the law, and gives consumers the right to ask emailers to stop spamming them.

© Ingleside Family Dental. All rights reserved.

Your Path to a Healthy
Smile Starts Here!

Tiffany N.
Tiffany N.
Dr. Matthews and her staff are caring snd helpful. I started coming here over 2 years ago after a bad experience with another dentist. They helped me and restored my hope in dentist.
Beverly K.
Beverly K.
My dental appointment was perfect today! My Dental Hygienist, Miss. April is second to none!! She displays professionalism 💯 She's knowledgeable, kind, respectful and truly caring. Book your appointment today :)
Allyson “Joy” C.
Allyson “Joy” C.
Me and my boyfriend would highly recommend this place as our own dentist office because of the quality thorough care you receive as a patient and the fact that compared to other dental practices this office is very affordable.
Response from the owner: Thank you for your five-star review, Allyson! We are delighted to hear Dr. Mathew was able to take care of you and your boyfriend.
Mayra P.
Mayra P.
Excelente servicio . Me atendieron en el horario establecido, el lugar muy seguro y brindan mucha seguridad, se nota lo profesionales que son.
Al principio tenía mis dudas, pero luego vi el trato y el resultado fue fantástico. Una excelente atención, seguro volveré y con mi familia
Andre G.
Andre G.
Gracias Dra Mathew por la experiencia tan agradable que tuve en su consultorio, siempre he tenido miedo de ir al dentista pero todo lo que me realizó fue sin dolor y la atención de todo el personal fue muy amable, lo recomiendo 100%!
Cassandra M.
Cassandra M.
I had a great experience with Dr. Matthew. The whole visit and her team were great. I was serviced immediately and with no discomfort. Thank you for no pain. Will be coming back for service.
Kendra B.
Kendra B.
Love this place . I always have a great experience when I visit
Alvin W.
Alvin W.
I recommend any and everyone to come here.The great and very welcome in Nice people.So come get your teeth clean

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